My eyes in a Photographic World
Local Sea Birds & Rare Visitors

Red Breasted Flycatcher (winters in India & Africa) very rare in the UK ( n° 0317463 )
Canon 1DX Canon 800mm
1/100 sec f/16 800mm ISO-800 exp comp +0.7 step

Red Breasted Flycatcher (winters in India & Africa) very rare in the UK ( n° 0317462 )
Canon 1DX Canon 800mm
1/100 sec f/16 800mm ISO-800 exp comp +0.7 step

Red Breasted Flycatcher (winters in India & Africa) very rare in the UK ( n° 0316719 )
Canon 1DX Canon 800mm
1/2000 sec f/8 ISO 400

Gannet off of Eastbourne coast ( n° 0304810 )
Canon 1DX Canon 70mm-200mm

Gannet off of Eastbourne coast ( n° 0304809 )
Canon 1DX Canon 70mm-200mm

Gannet off of Eastbourne coast ( n° 0304807 )
Canon 1DX Canon 70mm-200mm

( n° 0304805 )

Gannet off of Eastbourne coast ( n° 0304804 )
Canon 1DX Canon 70mm-200mm

( n° 0304803 )

( n° 0304796 )

( n° 0304794 )

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